
If you are ready to take your business to the next level of success, contact Margot here to learn more. 

The WISE Mastermind Group

Are you a driven and ambitious woman entrepreneur looking to supercharge your business growth and personal evolution?  If so, the WISE – Women Igniting Success and Evolution – Mastermind group may be for you.  The objective of this group is for like-minded women to come together to create a powerful community of innovation, collaboration, and support.

How will you benefit:

What You Will Receive:

Your Empowered Life Program

This 12-week program is designed for women who:

1) Are trapped and stressed out in a job or business they have outgrown, dreading each work day.

2) Know what makes their heart sing, but don’t know how to make real money following this passion.

3) Want to live a life on purpose where they are making a difference in the world doing something that brings them true joy, but they don’t know what that “something” is.

This Program Includes:

  • How to get unstuck by overcoming fear, inadequacy, and overwhelm.
  • Powerful techniques guaranteed to help you discover or solidify your heart’s calling and true purpose. 
  • A step-by-step approach for changing limiting beliefs about yourself and your potential.
  • Building your inspired action roadmap and how to take baby steps every day to make your dream a reality.
  • Conquering obstacles that you encounter along the way.
  • Hand holding through the ups and downs of transforming your life. 

So if you are ready to get into action towards creating your dream business or career, contact Margot here to learn more and sign-up.

If you want to learn your Enneagram type and how to harness the power of the Enneagram in your life, contact Margot here to learn more and sign-up.

Individual Enneagram Coaching Packages

This Enneagram package is perfect for those who

1) Keep sabotaging their best laid plans and want to start experiencing more success in their lives. 

2) Wonder why they behave in certain ways that are holding them back from accomplishing their goals and want to create healthier ways of being and operating in the world.

3) Are having trouble with their interpersonal relationships and want to figure out how to create healthier and happier relationships with those they love. 

This Package Includes:

Four one-on-one Enneagram sessions that will help you achieve your personal goals.  Specifically, you will get:

  • One Enneagram typing session (90 minutes) where you will discover your core Enneagram type and key wing.
  • One Enneagram Analysis Session (60 minutes) where you discover how your type shows up in relationships or at work. (you get to choose which one).
  • One Strength-harnessing Session (60 minutes) where you learn how to use the Enneagram to build your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.
  • One Goal-achieving session (60 minutes) where I guide you through a process to help you use the Enneagram to fast-track one of your key personal goals (career, relationship, business).
  • The real reason why some women succeed and others don’t.

Couple's Enneagram Coaching Packages

This package is perfect for couples who are ready to create a positive shift in their relationship. In particularly, they

1) Feel distant from each other and want to feel closer and experience more intimacy. 

2) Bicker about lots of things and want to instead have harmonious conversations where they are both heard and understood.

3) Feel resentful about how they are being treated in the relationship and want more respect and true connection with each other. 

This Package Includes:

Four one-on-one Enneagram sessions that will help you achieve your personal goals.  Specifically, you will get:

  • Two Enneagram typing session (90 minutes): one for you and one for your partner where you will discover your core Enneagram types and key wings.
  • One Enneagram Analysis Session (60 minutes) where you discover how your type shows up in relationships.
  • An In-depth review of each of how your two types interact to both support and trigger each other, and the strategies you need to use for healthy relating.

Discover how the Enneagram can shift troubled relationships to more harmonious loving ones, contact Margot here to learn more.